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Bamboo – Eighth Wonder of the World?

Image for Bamboo – Eighth Wonder of the World?

Because bamboo takes in nearly 5 times the amount of greenhouse gasses, and produces 35% more oxygen, than an equivalent stand of trees, it is an efficient replenisher of fresh air.

Energy from the sun reaches the earth as short-wave radiation; some is absorbed and, historically, some is radiated back as long-wave radiation. The increasing amounts of greenhouse gases in our atmosphere trap an inordinate amount of long-wave radiation on earth. This increase is attributable to human activity and its production of carbon dioxide (CO2), a greenhouse gas.

Human activity is also responsible for the severe damage to earth’s ability to absorb CO2 as a result of the destruction of forests and depletion of the ozone layer, which allows UV-B radiation to destroy the oceanic plankton, one of the major filters for CO2.

By encouraging the growth and utilization of bamboo, we can begin to combat global warming. Bamboo removes CO2 from the atmosphere through photosynthesis by using carbon as an energy source and converting it into plant tissue which releases oxygen as a by-product.

Bamboo offers an opportunity to turn away from the destruction of native forests towards managed commercial plantations that can be selectively harvested annually without the destruction of the grove or stand. While tree plantations must be chopped down for harvest, bamboo renews itself by sending up new shoots constantly.

The ability of bamboo to rapidly take up excess nutrients contained in waste waters from manufacturing, intensive livestock farming and sewage plants has captured the attention of industrial and municipal engineers seeking to establish environmentally safe and reliable ways to deal with such issues.

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