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Bamboo as a Fabric

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Bamboo clothing is an excellent fabric choice and it has many benefits and advantages over traditional cotton. Bamboo fabric is softer than cotton with a texture similar to silk. It is also quick to absorb moisture, therefore keeping you dry and odor free. Pure bamboo clothes can dry twice as fast as cotton clothes. Bamboo clothes can be worn all year round as they keep you cool in summer and warm in winter.

The environmental benefits of bamboo clothing are an added benefit. Bamboo plants are very quick growers and do not require fertilizers or pesticides for a successful crop. They also require very little water and they can survive drought conditions as well as flooding. Bamboo is a sustainable and renewable resource as the bamboo plant is self-replenishing; new shoots are continuously growing, ready to replace the old ones.

Another benefit of bamboo is that it releases a significant amount of oxygen into the atmosphere, more so than trees. Planting bamboo can help reduce the level of carbon dioxide in the air as well as reducing soil erosion. The complex root system of bamboo plants makes them an excellent choice for planting in high erosion areas such as riverbanks and areas subject to mud slides. They are also suitable for planting in areas which have suffered significant soil degradation and deforestation.

Bamboo fabric is created from bamboo pulp. The fabric is bleached without the use of chlorine. Bamboo fabric is easy to dye and is done so without the use of harsh chemicals and using methods which use less water than conventional dyeing methods. The production of bamboo fabric and clothing therefore has a lower impact on the environment than conventional cotton farming methods.

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