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Digital Proficiency: Paperless Solutions to Save Time, Money and the Planet in Your Business

Image for Digital Proficiency: Paperless Solutions to Save Time, Money and the Planet in Your Business

Many companies are already conscious about reducing the amount of paper they use in order to benefit the environment. But cutting down on how much paper you’re using can also save you a lot of time and money in the process. It’s not just the purchasing of paper that can add up, but the recycling, postage, printing, storage and disposing of paper, too.

Here are just some of the quick and easy ways you can cut down on how much you’re spending on paper:

Consider Whether Something Really Needs Printing

It’s very easy to hit “print” when you receive an email or document, but is it really necessary for you to have a hard copy? Next time you go to print something, take some time to think about whether you need a hard copy and what will happen to it once you’ve printed it and read it. Will it be filed away or is it going to end up in the recycle bin within the next few minutes? Consider whether just saving the file on your computer or the cloud will be sufficient enough before you start printing.

Opt for Electronic Alternatives

Digital technology has advanced rapidly over the last few years, which is why it’s vital your company is taking advantage of this. From project management software to cloud storage and emails, there are plenty of places your work files can be stored safely without the need to print them out and file them away. Why spend hours of your time trawling through physical folders when you could just pick out a document from your electronic filing system?

You might also want to think about recording calls with a call recording app instead of writing everything down. Not only will this save on paper but it’ll also provide you with a valuable copy you can keep going back to, which will prevent you from missing any crucial aspects, too.

Use Both Sides of the Paper

If you decide you still need to print something, think about whether or not you could print this on both sides of the paper. This gives you the practicality of having a hard copy of your work but also means you’re cutting your paper consumption by half – which is quite significant! Some printers can be set to automatically do this (so you don’t have to remember this each time you come to print something).

Alternatively, you could place a box of “scrap” paper next to the printer, which allows employees to print their documents on paper that’s already had something printed on one side. This is ideal if the document they’re printing doesn’t need to be pristine, i.e. for internal memos, receiving a fax or even for taking notes during a meeting.

Reduce Font Sizes and Margins

Another way to reduce your paper consumption even further is to change the font size and margins of documents so more fits onto one piece of paper. Try to find a font that’s still legible even when it’s smaller (e.g. Times New Roman) and don’t forget to hit preview before you print to make sure your text hasn’t been cut off due to printer margins. 

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