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Going Green in 2019

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As we move into 2019 many of us will be looking to move to living a much ‘greener’ lifestyle. Many of the best ways to be more environmentally friendly do not take spending extra cash either. You could also learn more here as another way of saving extra this year. Here we cover some of the cheapest and simple ways to go green in 2019.

Refuse excess is something that is certainly being pushed at present, with the added prices to plastic bags in shops continuing to improve this drastically. This goes alongside the usual reduce, reuse and recycle, to help cut down environmental harm. Using reusable bags rather than plastic bags is also a good option.

Saying no to public transportation is a fantastic way to help cut environmental harm. This is through cutting down on the use of your car and buses for example. This is changing to more walking and biking, which is not only good for the environmental but will push for a more healthy you. There are now many work schemes in place to help push people to bike to work and could save you a lot of money.

Moving to reusable containers is another popular way many people are looking to go green. This means moving away from plastic bottles or the throw away coffee mug. Many major coffee chains are also now pushing offers for people who take in their own drink containers. This system is likely to continue to grow around the world for years to come, as is possibly the most effective and easy way for people to go green.

Another simple way to go green is to use less water. This could be taking shorter showers or moving to an energy efficient dishwasher. Also only putting the washing machine on when it is full is a simple way, in order to use less water. Similar approach to the dishwasher should also be taken.

The next way to go green is to use less electricity. Many electronics are consuming energy even when they are not being used, so this should be taken into account. This has been known to add up to 10 percent on to the average electricity bill. To counteract this problem it is recommended to unplug all things such as computers, chargers, microwaves etc once these have been used.

The final step to go green in 2019 is to recycle e-waste. This is something many people do not do, but is important so this includes pollutants, lead and even mercury for example. Recycling these will allow for the items to be broken down rather than being left as has been done previously.

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