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Preventing Cancer, Tips to Reduce Your Risk

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Cancer has emerged as a menacing challenge for the 21st-century world. It has transformed itself into a variety of forms, stages, and intensities and is equally affecting the people of all genres and age groups. Here are some preventive controls to ensure healthy living and minimise your chances of developing cancer.

Maintain a Healthy Lifestyle

The first and the foremost step towards the prevention of cancer (or any other disease) is to adopt a healthy lifestyle. The idea of healthy living is not just confined to healthy eating. You need to have a complete and proper diet, exercise regularly, and add more physical activity to your regular routine.

Aside from that, practice good hygiene and avoid using drugs or addictive substances. An obese body becomes a fertile ground for diseases. Stay lean and in shape, without getting underweight. Keep a regular check on your blood pressure, blood sugar levels and try to maintain your specific BMI.

Avoid Habitual Drinking

The best approach is to completely eliminate the intake of alcohol from your life and try other non-alcoholic drinking alternates. However, since many of you will find it difficult, make it a point that you minimise the consumption to two drinks (for men) and a single drink per day in the case of women. Keep a check and control on the portions and remember that excessive drinking is one of the prime causes of a variety of cancers and cardiovascular diseases.

Prevent the Use of Tobacco

Tobacco tops the list of most influential carcinogen elements, along with alcohol. The use of tobacco in any form, whether it is by chewing or smoking, is associated with a variety of cancers. Even if you do not smoke or use tobacco in any form, passive smoking or the inhalation of second-hand smoke casts a similarly adverse impact on your lungs and increases your chances of developing lung cancer.

Avoid a Direct Exposure to Chemicals or Toxins

Try to completely avoid your exposure to harmful radiations, strong chemicals, and toxins. If you are employed in an industry where toxic chemicals such as benzenes, benzenoids, asbestos fibres, polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and aromatic amines are regularly used in the industrial processes, make it a point to take essential safety and precautionary measures, related to their handling and use, as per the health and safety standards.

Seek Consultancy

Aside from the preventive controls at your end, it is essential to seek consultancy from specialist and experts both in person and through trusted online resources such as Regular health checkups, body screening and healthcare consultancy from professionals will help you minimise your risks of the occurrence of cancer and enable you to maintain your health and wellbeing.

Reduce the Consumption of Sugars and Salts

Sugars and high-energy processed diets are not essentially carcinogenic in their nature. However, they significantly increase your calorie count and are often called as the instant catalyst for obesity. Similarly, an increased intake of sodium, in the form of salts and processed foods, is often attributed to causing cancers as well as a variety of other diseases. The regular sodium intake for an adult should not exceed over 2,400 mg per day. More than limiting the use of salt in your meal, you need to minimise your use of salty foods and snacks.

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