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Carpet Cleaning: Go Green with These 5 Amazing Tips

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Many of us want to be more environmentally conscious and do what we can for the environment. But, a lot of people don’t realize that some of the things that we do to clean our homes can actually cause a lot of issues if we aren’t careful with it. How can you go green with your home cleaning? Are there ways that you can make it a little easier for yourself as you work out the details? Here are 5 tips you can try to go green with your carpet cleaning.

1. Try Vinegar For Stains. Stains are horrible, and you may be using some chemical based cleaner in order to try and keep up with all of the cleaning issues that you may be trying to take care of. Instead of using chemicals in order to keep your floor clean, why not try something that is a little more natural, like vinegar? It can eat away at stains in your carpet, and clean up the mold issues that you may be facing as well, without any chemicals.

2. Make sure you have fresh air flowing in when you clean. One of the biggest problems that people have during the process of cleaning is that they don’t open up their windows. If you are keeping your windows closed while you’re cleaning your carpets, you are going to be facing quite a few issues, including the fact that you may have some problems related to your own health too.

3. Fresh smelling floors happen with the help of baking soda. Tired of your floors smelling dingy and you want them to have a fresher look and smell? Consider sprinkling baking soda on them weekly, and then vacuuming it up from the carpet. Baking soda is safe and it will help your floors to smell a lot fresher, even if a lot of people are tracking dirt and mud in and out of your home.

4. Hire Companies That Focus on Green Carpet Cleaning. If you are nervous about what you could and could not be doing in regards to being good to the environment while cleaning, you may want to call someone in for professional green carpet cleaning. In Portland OR, or wherever you’re located, there are companies that really put time and energy into developing and using sustainable cleaning methods and products and, not only that, but they want to give you some ideas as to how you can go green in your daily cleaning routine as well.

5. Get rid of chemical cleaners in a safe manner.  If you are using chemical cleaners right now and you’re thinking about getting rid of them, don’t dump them down the sink. That’s not going to solve your issues, it’s only going to make them worse. The fact is, you need to look into what you can do with them so that they can be disposed of in a safe way. Do your research and talk to people so that you can make this happen safely.

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