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Eco-Living for Beginners: 13 Tips for Living Green on a Budget

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It may seem like you don’t have the tools for living green at your fingertips, but there are some simple changes you can make to help save the planet.

Living green creates several advantages for individuals and companies alike. Some of them include reducing utility costs, decreasing environmental impact, and creating a societal impact. Embracing green practices is more than just a good thing to do. 

Other people have the misconception that living green is only possible in rural areas. Some of the practical ways include recycling and reusing environmentally-friendly products while reducing the use of harmful ones.

Read on to learn more!
1. Reduce 
There’s so much around you that you can do to reduce the harmful impacts on the environment. Reduce your energy consumption by turning off lights when not in use. Consider unplugging appliances when you’re not using them, including televisions, stereos, computers, and cell phone chargers. 
When it comes to water consumption, embrace the following habits:
● Shorten the time you spend in the shower
● Do laundry only when you have a full load and dry your clothes outside
● Keep your water heater turned off when not in use
Check around your home and see the many things whose consumption you can reduce. Mostly, these have got to energy and water consumption. 

2. Reuse
Make it a habit to shop in second-hand stores, garage sales, and flea markets. Here, you’ll find everything from furniture to clothing, in good condition, to reuse. You can also consider sending your gently used items to another location for others to use. 
Some ideas for reusable items include:
● Washable plate and mugs as opposed to paper ones
● Cloth napkins opposed to paper
● Cloth diapers instead of disposable ones
In short, avoid items that require you to dispose of them after use.  

3. Replace
Technology is rapidly changing, and most of the things on the market today use green energy. A few things you can replace around your home are:
● Old-fashioned light bulbs with energy-efficient models
● Leaky water faucets
● Air filters
● Computers with laptops which use less energy
● All appliances without an Energy Star Label
Again, it’s all about energy and water conservation. Do away with products that cause a strain on the environment. For example, you can get a biodegradable shampoo instead of the typical options.

4. Reduce Gas Consumption
You can cut down on the consumption of your car by driving less. Consider carpooling with your neighbors, using public transportation, or walking more often. If you drive regularly, look for a suitable consumption catalyst to improve your car’s fuel economy. 

5. Grow Your Own Food
Consumption of organic food is part of living green. Whether you live in an apartment or your own house, you can grow fruits and vegetables organically. You’ll cut down on the costs of buying food while improving your long-term health. 

6. Avoid Food Wastage
When you have some leftover food, preserve it for use during the next meal. The large amounts of food wasted across the globe largely contributes to the CO2 being produced in landfills. Food wastage also comes at a high cost eventually. 

Living Green – Final Thoughts
You don’t have to wait until you’ve been hit by hard times to start living green. Learn to be creative and devise ways to ruse things to get the most out of your money. Reduce the consumption of energy and water by checking how you use your appliances. 
Look at some lifestyle habits that you can ditch to save more money. For example, drive less, grow your food, and avoid eating out. These small little habits, done consistently, will add up to many gains in the long run.
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