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Green Kindergartens: 5 Most Interesting Ideas For Child Upbringing

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Technical progress has changed people’s lives immensely. Since the start of the industrial era, and through the post-industrial times we’re living in now, humanity’s been making its life more and more comfortable. 

But these improvements have not gone unnoticed to our common home, planet Earth. What’s made our lives easier has become a burden to it. In recent years, there’s been a lot of discussion about how we should change our lifestyles to help the nature stay beautiful, healthy and diverse.

A lifestyle that’s environmentally friendly has become known as “green”, named after the color of plants and trees that are commonly known as the lungs of the planet. A slogan to encourage more people to choose a more caring attitude to the Earth is “go green”. 

Can Children Go Green?

Sure, children should go green, too. We know that, unfortunately, adult’s habits are hard to change. But children learn fast, and if we teach them the right green habits from the beginning, there’ll be no need to change them afterward. If you want your children to grow up into responsible and caring human beings, devote some time and energy to their proper upbringing now, when they’re still highly susceptible.

For a young parent who is still in college, it’s hard to delegate enough time to your kids and to studies. Kindergartens help a lot, but it’s much better to go on a weekend trip to the forest with a child and handle some academic writing to Essay Pro. Highly experienced and proficient authors will take off your burden, giving you more time to spend with your family. 

If you want to raise your child according to the green philosophy, there are green kindergartens for that purpose. But family education is still important. Here are some of the best ideas from such kindergartens, which can be successfully adopted at home, too.   


1. Spend More Time Outdoors

The best way to learn to love nature is to be surrounded by nature. For many children, spending a day with a tablet seems more attractive than a walk in the park. That needs to be changed.

There are many outdoor places where children can spend their time with interest and with use. These include:

  • Village yards and farmyards (if you live in a house);
  • City and town parks;
  • Forests and national parks;
  • Beaches and river banks.

2. Learn More About the Earth 

Aside from getting in touch with nature, it’s important for kids to learn some basic things about our Home. In kindergartens, the globe is often used to teach them.

Using the globe or the world map, you can show different places on Earth and tell your child about them. Karen Green, an experienced kindergarten teacher, used an interesting method for her class: to make things more demonstrative, she acted out a “space trip”.

She turned off the lights, put on a roaring sound (a rocket taking off), and then children in her class saw “the Earth” (a globe) from space. Then they “landed” at a chosen place and she told them some facts about it. You can play this game, too!


3. Care for Plants and Animals 

Learning is good, but don’t forget about action. Kids, even the young ones, can make their contribution to making the Earth’s inhabitants feel better, too. This will also do good for them, as they will feel proud to do something important and learn to be caring and compassionate in the process. 

Here’s what children do at green kindergartens and with their parents:

  • Plant a tree;
  • Build a birdhouse;
  • Feed birds and squirrels (be careful to give them the right food!);
  • Care for a pet at home.

4. Reduce, Reuse, Recycle  

There’s no doubt about the effectiveness of this main green principle. In today’s world, reducing the use of the Earth’s resources plus reusing and recycling everything we can is vital to preserving our planet.

Kids can take part in this, too. For example, they can:

  • Save water and energy by turning off the tap water and the lights when they’re not using them;
  • Sort waste (it can be a fun and fascinating task!);
  • Learn to care better for their belongings, and after they grow out of them – pass them on.

5. Be Consistent and Set an Example

Last, but not least: be sure to set a good example for your children. Even if they attend a green kindergarten, the right habits may not take root. Parents have to follow the green principles themselves.

Remember to be consistent: if today you sort your garbage and tomorrow you throw a plastic bottle into a nearby garbage can, your child may get confused about what example to follow. 

Wrapping Up

In today’s world, environmental problems can no longer be ignored. To make the world a better place, it’s highly important to teach children the main “green” principles and implement them into their lifestyles.

Green kindergartens can be a perfect choice, but setting your own example is equally important. Watch your habits, love nature and care for it – and your child will certainly learn it from you!

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