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4 Signs a Tree on Your Property is Dying and Needs Removal

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Trees are a wonderful addition to a property’s landscaping. They provide shade and are beautiful to look at when they are in full bloom. However, dead or dying trees are not only an eyesore, they are dangerous.

If a person suspects that a tree on their property needs to come down, they can look for local tree services to help remove it. It is not always obvious when a tree is dying. For those who may not know, below are the four signs that a tree is dying and needs to be removed.

1.) Infection

An infected tree does not always need to be removed. However, if the tree is already compromised by drought, breaks, or other stressors, an infection can quickly take over and kill the tree. If a person notices a tree that has discolored or misshapen leaves, deep cracks in the park, fluid leaking from the trunk, fungus, or soft and crumbly wood, they should have it inspected by a professional as soon as possible.

2.) Dead Branches

Most trees have some branches that are dead. However, if there are over fifty percent dead branches, they pose a serious hazard to anything on the ground below. These branches could break off at any point and injure someone or damage something as they fall.

These branches are known colloquially as widowmakers or "fool killers" for a reason. If a person notices a tree on their property dropping a lot of large branches or sees there are a lot of dead ones in the canopy, they should have it removed as soon as possible. Tree removal services are equipped to take down these trees quickly and safely.

3.) Damaged Trunk

The trunk of a tree is a good indicator of its health and stability. If there are large patches of bark missing from the trunk, it could mean the tree is on its last leg. The same is true if there are any cracks, crevices, or cavities present. If there are, the structural integrity of the tree could be compromised, leading to it breaking and falling. Not all cracks and cavities mean the tree needs to be removed. Property owners should have a questionable tree inspected by a professional who can determine how structurally sound it is.

4.) Root Defects

Root defects are not always obvious, but there are a few telltale signs that something is amiss. A heavy fungal presence around the base of the trunk may indicate a root infection. If the tree is leaning heavily, especially if it is not in the sunlight’s direction, it could mean there is a dangerous root issue.

When the roots of a tree are compromised, the tree has a harder time holding itself in the ground. If a strong wind comes whipping through the area, it could knock the tree over and severely damage anything in its path. It is crucial these trees be removed as soon as possible.

The Bottom Line

Dying trees on a person’s property pose a significant safety hazard. If the tree is host to an infection, the surrounding trees could contract it and die. To ensure the safety of the property, it is critical that property owners seek the help of professional tree removal services as soon as they notice a problem.

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