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Investopia Conference 2023 Discusses Food Security In Times Of Climate Change

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Industry leaders has explored technology solutions to address food security in as a session titled “Food Security in Times of Climate Change” at Investopia Conference 2023.

The panel featured two prominent speakers, Mr. Deniz Kent of Prolific Machines and Mr. Ryan Pandya from Perfect Day.

Mr. Kent spoke about the urgent need for innovating our way out of the impending global crisis we face due to inadequate resources for producing enough meat to meet demand. He suggested that plant-based options are not viable due to lack of public acceptance, leaving us with only one option – cultured meat made from animal stem cells reformulated into products without having to kill animals. To make this viable he added that new technologies such as bioreactors and temporal control are needed which will reduce costs and carbon footprints drastically

Mr. Pandya echoed similar views and spoke about bringing a revolutionary change by altering the production process instead of changing what’s being produced; namely scaling up and manufacturing proteins identical to those found in cow’s milk that do not require a lot of resources or effort yet maintain quality standards set by traditional dairy items. He also shared information about how it has been received positively within local communities as a more sustainable Green alternative for familiar foods like milk we all know and love.

This discussion provided immense insight into how public officials along with private entrepreneurs can take up initiatives to tackle food security challenges head-on by actively utilizing cutting edge technological solutions while preserving environmental balance at the same time.

Investopia conference 2023 focuses on the theme “Envisioning Opportunities in Times of Change” and three sub-themes: Envisioning Opportunities in Today’s Economy, The Future of the Wealth of Nations, and Growth Opportunities in Times of Decarbonization. The conference this year includes35sessions and roundtables, and brings together more than 2000 participants like investors, government officials, thought leaders and entrepreneurs, from more than 40 countries.

For detailed information about the conference agenda, kindly visit this website:

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