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Tesla Increased Car Delivery Productivity by 40% in 2019

Image for Tesla Increased Car Delivery Productivity by 40% in 2019

In 2019, Tesla had a set a target of delivering between 360,000 to 400,000 cars. The California based firm has recently seen an increase in the demand for its vehicles. In 2017, Elon Musk-led company managed to sell 103,020.

According to the report:

“Generally, Tesla sold more cars in 2019 than it did in the previous two years combined."

The increasing demand for Tesla vehicles has been fuelled by the Model 3 Sedan. The least delivery for model three was in 2017 at 1,550 units. In 2018, 63,150 units of model 3 were delivered which account for an increase of 97.5%. Interestingly, in the fourth quarter of 2019 alone, Tesla delivered 92,550 Model 3 cars.

This figure puts Model 3 in 19th position in 2019 United States SUV sales at 161,100 units.

On the other hand, deliveries for Model X/S have been declining. The highest delivery was in 2017 at 2,8320 cars followed by 27,550 units in 2018. There was a significant drop in 2019 when only 19,450 units of Model X/S were sold.

Currently, Tesla holds 1.1% of the US automotive market share which is dominated by General Motors at 16.9%.

It is projected that by the end of 2020, Tesla will be delivering at least 500,000 cars annually based on the rising demand for electric cars.