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The Beginner’s Guide Of Defensive Driving

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Defensive driving is the act of driving in such a way as to save lives and other valuable resources. Defensive driving is more of an art as it is a science. It definitely goes beyond knowing the basic rules of driving on the road; it requires a certain level of dexterity that can only be achieved by beyond usual driving lessons and a commitment to safety beyond normal.

Defensive driving goes beyond just avoiding mistakes while driving; it means also knowing how to shield one’s self from the mistakes of others. Safety is always the guiding ideology of defensive drivers even in the harshest and poorest road conditions. 

Defensive driving can be achieved by learning different driving techniques and taking into cognizance different guidelines. Some of these guidelines include maintaining a specific distance between one’s self and the car ahead. Defensive driving has even earned itself the reputation for “driving as if everybody else was drunk on the road.” This definition captures the idea of defensive driving and sheds more light into why it’s called “Defensive.”

A good defensive driver is less concerned about the mistakes of others and who gets the blame in case of accidents. They usually always take the responsibility of shielding themselves and prevention rather than attend to the mistakes of others eventually.

This skill is usually learned in organized settings like special driving schools. The defensive driving lessons are similar to a pretest driving lesson that prepares you for your driving evaluation. In the instance of a defensive driving lesson, you are taught how to maneuver your way and manage situations in case the actual test of a potential accident comes your way while on the road. The license you receive for attending such lessons is an increased percentage of safety on the road. In some places, defensive driving can sometimes be taken as a course in a classroom and on other occasions can be taken in other settings. Different defensive driving courses contain similar information no matter the setting or place you are receiving the skill.

Accidents, as we all know, have very severe effects in society. The damage goes beyond just physical damages, but emotional bruises are common aftermaths of accidents. Defensive driving can help significantly bring changes to statistics. About an estimated 41,000 die annually from traffic collision, and an estimated 3,236,000 injuries are recorded. Other causes of accidents are alcohol and speeding. Obviously, these statistics are alarming ones, and the causes of these accidents can be averted with skills been taught in defensive driving schools. 


Defensive driving teaches pro-activity on the road.
Defensive driving teaches pro-activity on the road. A host of drivers manning automobiles are basically just reactionary in their mode of driving. They respond to what others do. Defensive drivers have been taught to prevent dangerous situations on the road rather than create them or get into them and trying to avoid the consequences at the end of the day. A lot of people were taught how to drive and the rules guiding the use of the road at the same time in most cases. This information often mixes up a times. The only information that eventually sticks is the ability to move a vehicle only, and the other general road orientation are forgotten. A defensive driver has a broader understanding of the road because the defensive driving course has probably served as a reminder and as an improvement on what he has earlier learned from driving schools.

Defensive drivers enjoy insurance discounts.
Defensive drivers also enjoy insurance discounts. Risk is a major determinant when it comes to premium in insurance. The amount of payment a driver that has the history of driving under influence might be required to pay an insurance premium due to the fact that he is considered more susceptible to danger. A defensive driver is considered safer on the road, so their insurance charges are usually reduced. 

Defensive drivers are less prone to tickets.
Defensive drivers are also less prone to tickets. Tickets are usually issued for breaking driving rules while driving and this consequently leads to lack of credibility sometimes when trying to obtain automobile loans. A clean record is essential in qualifying for an auto loan.  Defensive driving also enables to save money while driving. Accidents caused by you on the road might lead into legal twists requiring that you pay specific amounts as fine or as damages. 

The benefits of defensive driving are endless, and we can say there are no defects at all or downsides to learning this act.


Since defensive driving can be taught, it follows that it has definitely been systemized and it has some known techniques. Some of these techniques include;
•    The blind spot
It teaches the correct usage of blind spots when switching lanes. The blind spot is the area where a car cannot see other vehicles while on the road. It is suggested that a very high number of accidents can be prevented on the road if the blind spot is handled correctly.
•    2 second rule
The 2 second rule is meant to ensure there is enough space between you and the car in front of you. It is often prescribed that it is safer if you give the car going before you space. It entails using an object as a marker and allowing the car to go ahead of the marking object 2 seconds before you get past the object yourself. This rule keeps you from getting hit if the car in front of you brakes abruptly and it might also sometimes help prevent a secondary collision.

Various other techniques exist as expressions of defensive driving. It remains an undeniably safety inspiring form of driving. The road is filled with a lot of dangers. Drunk drivers, spoilt cars and other forms of danger ensuing circumstances are ever present on the road. Defensive driving is one of those effective ways of ensuring immunity to the potential harms often present. It is amazing to know that this act can be easily learned from the comfort of your home just as much as it can be discovered in specialized physical driving training sessions.

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