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World Earth Day – Procter & Gamble

Image for World Earth Day – Procter & Gamble

Spokesperson: Deepa Vaidyanathan, Senior Director, Communications & Sustainability, Procter & Gamble AMA

  1. What is the significance of Earth Day?

At P&G, we fully embrace our responsibility to protect our planet, and Earth Day is a reminder to showcase our appreciation to our home and continue to action sustainable interventions.However, we recognize that everyday is an opportunity to do that and it should not just stop at Earth Day. In fact, Environmental Sustainability is built in as a core part of our business strategies, we aspire to create superior products that our consumers can trust and enjoy responsibly, and have a positive impact on our natural environments; therefore, all of us play a role in bringing it to life.

Last year, on Earth Day, we launched our first-ever Sustainability Summit in the Asia Pacific, Middle East and Africa (AMA) region, and made historic sustainability declarations, demonstrating how we are accelerating progress towards our Ambition 2030 goals across our focus areas of Climate, Water, and Waste. We continue to honor our commitment and we are focused on where we can make a positive difference.

  1. What advice will you give community members of ‘Go Green’ and live a sustainable life.

The most critical factor in living a sustainable life is awareness. It is important to educate ourselves and be made aware on climate change fundamentals including life cycle assessments that might uncover new data and information that informs long term and positive impact in the environment.

In order to make a true difference, long term sustainability programs that grow from strength to strength is critical to make an impact.  Short Term aid without plans to sustain it is a futile endeavour.

  1. What is P&G doing to celebrate World Earth Day?

At P&G, everyday is Earth Day, and as such, we continue to explore how we can work together with corporations, non-profit organisations, governments and the wider community to drive real change, bring hope to the world, and make it a better place to live.

In fact, earlier this year, we hosted our annual Sustainability Summit, which featured world-renowned Ethologist and Conservationist Dr Jane Goodall, Circulate Capital Ocean Fund chief executive Rob Kaplan, as well as United Nations Development Programme Goodwill Ambassador, Dia Mirza, who came together to address key issues surrounding climate change.

We also announced the progress made toward our Ambition 2030 Goals, and we remain committed to accelerating action on climate change toward net zero GHG emissions by 2040, and we set a new ambition to achieve net zero greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions across our operations and supply chain, from raw material to retailer, by 2040 as well as interim 2030 goals to make meaningful progress this decade.

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